If I were a crayon, I would be magenta.
Interpret that sentence how you will. Find a deeper meaning, or assume it reveals a part of my personality. In reality, it was simply my favorite color in the Crayola box of 64.
When a person takes the Rorschach test, the administrator/interpreter is not only noting what the client sees. A bacon double cheeseburger? Fabulous. But what about the inkblot makes it look like a bacon double cheeseburger? Is it the shape, the color, the form, or something else? How she sees the blot is often more telling than what she sees.
{I have now invalidated the Rorschach test for you. You can never take the test without the bias of knowing this information. If you are ever given a projective personality test, please pick a different one.}
These sentences are similar to the ink blots; the how may be more telling than the what. What do my answers say about me? Do they reflect how I see myself, how I want to see myself, or how I think others see me?
Or maybe magenta is just a pretty color.
I’ve been digging deep in my writing lately, and I need to surface for an easy, fun post. It starts with a crayon and goes from there.
If I were an office supply, I would be a lined notepad. Lines give structure, the blank paper is possibility.
If I were a word, I would be “plethora.”
If I were a candy, I would be a Take 5 bar. Sweet, salty, caramel-y…a mix of dissimilar flavors that combine into something better than any of them alone.
If I were a salad bar item, I would be a grape tomato.
If I were a kitchen utensil, I would be a spatula. In a fix, you can replace almost any other utensil with a spatula.
If I were a mythical creature, I would be a rainbow unicorn.
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be a chair and a half. Is it a chair, or is it a little sofa? It’s furniture with an identity crisis, but two people can snuggle in it.
If I were a piece of clothing, I would be a pair of jeans. Skinny, preferably, with no holes.
If I were a poem, I would be a haiku. Short and to the point.
If I were a weather event, I would be the rain on a sunny summer day. An unexpected but usually welcome surprise.
If I were a Disney character, I would be Pooh. He has a gut and walks around without pants, and everyone still thinks he’s adorable!
I love what you did with this prompt. Sometimes we readers need a light and easy post to read…especially when we have just returned from vacation and are trying desperately to catch up! Oh, by the way, we just got back from Disney World and Pooh said to say hi.
Hope you had a blast! We are counting down to our trip – less than two months now.
Love where you took this prompt! Hope you don’t mind if I copy it into my drafts for a busy week sometime. My favorite answer…Pooh. Don’t you wish we could all be considered adorable with a little bit of belly hanging out?
I do wish that! And of course, I’m happy to have a post serve as inspiration.
Well, I love to color! I even sent my oldest daughter off to college with a brand new box of 64! She was the hit of the dorm! So color away! It is very therapeutic! Aloha!
Hard to say Aloha when I’m staring at two feet of snow…but Aloha! I’ll have to remember the crayons when I send my daughter off in the fall…
I would be bright yellow.
It’s not well represented in my opinion.
I love your rainstorm on a sunny day too though. When it’s hot, a shower can be refreshing.
Love this post.
Thanks, Kerry. You’re right – yellow is not well represented. It’s so sunny and bright – a perfect choice.
That was cute. I wish someone would do a haiku linkup. Easy peasy. Well the writing would still be the hard part.
I use spatulas in a dangerous way. One day something is going to fall on my head or foot. Instead of getting a step ladder to reach things in the cabinets, I use a spatula to move it to the edge and then I catch it. Not smart. But I keep doing it.
You are going to hurt youself Kenya! I have a scar on my forehead from can of vegetables that I tried to swipe down from up high in the grocery store. That could be you!
I would totally be a haiku, too.
Loved this post! So fun!
Thanks, Nina!
Unicorns and pooh and magenta and the rain… No wonder we’re friends! 🙂
And also: “I’ve been digging deep in my writing lately, and I need to surface for a fun, easy post.” <3
It’s true! I’m not usually very deep – I was weighing myself down!
The title drew me in. I work with energy and I believe that everything does have meaning but we don’t always have to notice or interpret that meaning – then, we’d be second guessing what we noticed and why and our interpretation; that’s all we’d be doing in a day!
I love your lists – I smiled as I thought of what I’d be in the categories you mentioned.
Thanks, Joy. I agree – we don’t have to interpret the meaning of everything. It would paralyze us!
Plethora is such a good word to be! Life should be superabundant 🙂
I agree!
I love this post! And now I totally wish I had my own box of Crayola crayons so I could truly analyze which colour I should be.
I do miss having crayons. Maybe I’ll buy myself a box just for giggles…
Fun! I would be blue. Just plain blue. Favorite color. Straightforward. Found in every box. Bam! Not sure why I feel that strongly about it! Haha. Very entertaining post. Grape tomato! Don’t know why I find that so funny. I’d probably be the cheese topping, shredded cheddar or crumbled feta. Your weather event was genius. I’m going to say thunderstorm because it makes me sound dramatic though I’d probably be more like drizzle most days. Poem would have to be sestina because I once wrote a short play about a being forced to write one. And sticking with Winnie’s pals, I’d say I wished I was Tigger but I’m really more Eeyore.
There’s nothing plain about blue, Liz – it’s perfect. So you’re a cheesy thunderstorm? Or a bouncy Eeyore. You’re a complex woman! 😉
Well done Dana!!! I love your fun posts… you always crack me up!!! And I would totally pick pooh too. AND he eats HONEY all day!!! I think we can modify that to any form of sugar, don’t ya think?
I do think! You’re brilliant, Chris.
Walking around with no pants is adorable. Mostly. Unless you’re in public. Or at work.
Very true, Liv. I hope you do not speak from experience, though.
No. I had a friend who knew a guy who decided not to wear pants at work. It didn’t work out very well.
I love this. Any clever response. Me, I got nothing. Seriously. Couldn’t even pick a color if I tried. Wishy washy and indifferent at teh dame time. YIKES. WTH is wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you! I had to just go with my first thought, otherwise I perseverate and overthink it. I tend to do that.
Well, you inspired me to write up a list of randomness – only mine is random facts about my favorite color, purple. Magenta would be a pretty close second. Although, ironically, I am not a fan of pink much at all. Completely agree with your assessment of the spatula – a very useful and versatile kitchen utensil. 🙂
It is, right? I’m a purple gal too. Maybe that’s why I like magenta – it’s purple with a bit of red for kick.
I’d be magenta too! Bot surprising, right?
I’d also smell good. I always smell crayons and Des knows this and will put cheap restaurant crayons by my nose! They’re not as good.
As a Disney character, I’m all Elsa.
Yes, a good smelling magenta crayon – one for each of us, please.
I might have to change my answer to Belle, but I was thinking more classic characters, pre-Princess craze. And I had the photo of me with a little pooh on my hands. 🙂
I would be “sky blue”. And this post comes just in time for the snow of the century giving me at least one fun thing to do with my kids. Thanks!
Well, it’s too late to buy that thing on Groupon…
Haha, this fabulous, Dana! I think you are just adorable and this post makes me want to give you a big hug.
Aww, thank you Bev! Giving you a virtual hug back!
A grape tomato? I need an explanation on that one 🙂 Otherwise this is a very interesting post Dana. I’m not sure I could come up with all of those different associations. And, one more thing about Pooh – he’s asexual. HA!
I’m not sure where I got grape tomato, Allie. It’s just a pop of color on the salad bar, and it’s cute.
So I guess if one is asexual, one can walk around with no pants? I guess I’ll keep mine on, then.
I now have a picture in my mind of you as a combination of all of those things at once, and it’s a bit like a tiny, magenta tomato (with lines, and no pants) being sat on by two people at once whilst trying to be a gigantic great big plethoraish rainbow unicorn with a spatula instead of a horn on its forehead.
Hehehe I like what you did with this, and tbh I never got it with the Rorschach tests because I’ve never been part of the follow-up of taking one, never delved into the how. You’re right though, about the how and the why, rather than the what 🙂
Looking forward to seeing you (in all your guises, at once, as you) SOON!
The Rorschach was fascinating, although I’m not sure I can get on board with the validity. One can read so much into everything, but everything doesn’t always mean something, ya know?
I now picture myself that way too – frightening!
I fucking love you because you used the word plethora in a blog post. I’m yours forever.
Okay, after I wrote this I did go back and actually read for content. I swear I did. I do love a good lined notepad and a grape tomato. I’m not super crazy about Pooh but dayum….you said plethora!
I did – it’s my favorite word 🙂 And now you’re mine forever, despite Pooh. <3
I also love the magenta color. The characteristics are just out of the planet Mars and back to the Earth.
I loved reading about your various If’s and the unicorn and the winnie the pooh made me go…awww!!
He’s a cutie, isn’t he? And what could be more awesome than a rainbow unicorn?
OK, I did leave a comment…
You did – it was cleared but still ended up in my spam folder. But I took it out!
Yay, thank you! Mine does that, too.
OH wow I am so impressed with these posts so far this week. I came up blank and passed the pen (keyboard) to my daughter who filled in. 😀
Pooh…love him. Always have. No pants, total acceptance for the fact that he loves to eat, and spews forth some of the wisest words of any of the philosophers. Yeah.
I loved 64 boxes of crayons – still do. Zilla got a Star Wars 64 box for Christmas – her first 64 and StarWars to boot. She’s delighted.
If I were a color I’d be green. It’s fresh. Interpret as you will. 😉
Your daughter’s take was awesome! Ooh – I do like green as well. It’s the perfect partner for blue, and it is fresh. Interpreting in many ways…
Delightful! I’m with you on the magenta front and the Winnie the Pooh front. He is the poppet of all poppets. Even if he’s not wearing pants. Or maybe especially because he’s not wearing pants. If I were a salad bar item I think I’d be a beet. A red beet, rather than the golden ones. As for candy – hmmm probably an Oh Henry bar. I love them.
ColoUr on!
I can see you as a beet, Kelly! I have no idea why, but it’s a compliment 🙂
Also I love this. I love Pooh. And pants-less but I do love the jeans with holes in them (please still be my friend). Magenta is a good good color, and also if I were a salad bar item, I think I’d have to be the tofu in chile sauce at whole foods because OMG GOOD. Or sesame seeds. Or feta. Jeez, a salad bar identity crisis. If I were a piece of furniture, I’d be a bed with a dozen pillows, because nest and comfort and alone or not. I got one anyway. Thanks so much for doing this and linking up.
I don’t mind holey jeans, I just wouldn’t be them! (That sentence just sounds ridiculous, but then again, so is this post.)
I do love a comfy bed…
Omg, I loved that picture of you with Winnie the Pooh and would you believe it it, but this past weekend, Lily decided to take her Christmas money to buy a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal at the Disney Store here. Both girls had ones as babies and yet we donated them as they weren’t playing with them anymore, but lo and behold she decided she missed hers and had to get another one. So, I am pretty sure she if she wasn’t sleeping and saw your picture, she would have loved it, too, because she whole heartedly agrees that Pooh is just so cute, too!! 🙂
ALSO OMG Janine! You’re like the QUEEN!!! I was first though. Just sayin’
Look at the timestamp – no ya weren’t ;p
I had a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal when I was a kid; I actually still have it. All the plush has been worn off so it doesn’t even look like a bear anymore – kinda like a hairless rat! But I’m keeping him anyway.