1. A Love Poem to Bleu Cheese
2. The Tanner, the Better
3. Lists are for Losers
4. How to just let it go
5. Why I’m Never Using Hair Products or Makeup Again
6. 108 Recipes for Gourmet Chefs
7. Let’s Talk Politics
8. Reading is a waste of time; run instead!
9. I made millions blogging – here’s how!
10. M & M’s…Evil in a Candy Shell
Blogger or not, what is something you would never write?
When you’re ready to write a post about #9, please let me know so I don’t miss it! 🙂
Don’t hold your breath 😉
Hahahahah! #9 definitely made me laugh out loud. And I’m definitely with you on #1. Though the husband would tell me I’m missing out.
We’re not missing out…the stuff smells nasty. Your husband can have it all!
Yuck – I hate bleu cheese too! And I also hate just letting things go. You’ll probably never hear of me doing so.
And that’s okay, right? I know I need to sometimes, but I’d rather be someone who holds on tight.
Okay, that’s funny. I especially love number 7 and 9!
If only #9 were true…
Every.single.one. I would add “My Life as a Teetotaling Vegan”.
Lol – that’s perfect!
Awesome post, Dana! I have to agree on the reading, I would definitely rather read than run! M&M’s are evil little things, aren’t they? LOL! No thanks on Politics, for me either. Hope you are having a great week!
Yes, how can such cute little candies be so dangerous? They gang up on me in one pound bags…
Ha! I could never write the hair product one either; that made me laugh.
My curls would be a rat’s nest – I never travel without my curl creme!
“Why I decided to give up chocolate.”
I’m with you on just about every single one of them, although I’ll admit I like bleu cheese (just not enough to write a poem about why I love it so much!).
You don’t like bleu cheese as much as you like chocolate though, right? I can’t imagine that!
You had me at blue cheese lol. It’s probably the one cheese I don’t love! Dana this post calls for a challenge: you should pick one topic you said you’d never blog about and do it hahaha!
That’s an interesting idea, Nina. Maybe I’ll do one for April Fool’s Day…it would certainly be a challenge!
Loved this! I also could not write an ode to bleu cheese. Or Kraft singles for that matter either. But most other cheeses could be a love song for me. With you on #7 too! 🙂
I’m not a big cheese person in general…but give me chocolate and I’m a happy girl.
OMG I made millions blogging??? LOLOL!!! I sat next to the most delicious stranger on the flight home Sunday and as we were deplaning, he asked what I do and I said marketing and a little bit of writing. He was like “OH WOW” and ugh, I was like “UM YEAH.” Also the hair products? Perfect.
Writing sounds impressive, doesn’t it? I suppose it is if you are Stephen King, but he has a gazillion more dollars than I do.
Are you part of The Mix group through Hearst? I get the emails with their prompts, but I’ve never finished one because I swear they are somewhat like this list!!
I’m not, Nina – but I just looked at their prompts, and I see what you mean. One for today is “I’m a Sex Addict.” You won’t find that one on this blog either!
Dana, these are all fantastic. Love #s 8 and 10. I would never write: How I learned to love running and you can too. Never. Will. Happen. Cute idea for a post.
I won’t take credit for the idea, but I agree with you!
Less words is beautiful sometimes.
xxx LOVE!
–should that be ARE beautiful????
Thank you!
I am with you on EVERY single one of these. I am a fellow bleu cheese hater. Ugh.
I knew I liked you, Jill 🙂
I love this! But #1 needs to include goat and feta cheeses for you…
#6 made me LOL. As for #10 I think I have actually written a post against M&M’s (talking about a break up or something). We still haven’t gotten back together. I have closure and I’ve moved on 😉 But you’re right, they were too good to be evil and I don’t think I used that word.
I remember your break up post! Wow, I can’t believe you’ve stayed apart. I hope you haven’t sworn off all chocolate; that would be crazy.
Oh nooooo, never that. I keep a mix in the house that has dark chocolate chips, dried cherries and Almonds in it. It satisfies my sweet craving when I don’t have anything else. When I REALLY need chocolate I pick the chocolate chips out 😉
Sounds perfect!
Great list 🙂 I also included a running topic in mine. Cause no. I completely agree with you that reading is a much better passtime.
Yes, it is…although running is healthier! Just not nearly as fun.
Ha! I like Bleu Cheese, but not sure I could write it a love poem! I sure do wish someone would write #9, though!!!
Maybe if I could write it ( and it worked), I’d have TWO million dollars!
#7, #8 and #9 – me neither. Unfortunately, especially #9.
I know…if only.
Bleu cheese is just plain gross! I can’t even stomach the smell of it!
Neither can I. Ranch dressing is equally gross for me. Blech.
#10!! I have given up M&M’s. It’s been 3 weeks now and I still want some……….
How are you doing that, Tammie? I’m impressed. And a little sad for you. 🙁
My post I will never write: Never proofread your email; people will know what you mean to say.
This is a fun idea for a quick post. Thanks!
It is fun, isn’t it? I like your post title – proofreading can keep you out of trouble.
Such a fun list! Love #3 and 4.
Can you relate? My kids and husbands laughed at #4, because it is so spot-on.
LOL! Short, sweet and funny – what’s not to love. Although you know I would never write #8 either but maybe read while you run!…only on a treadmill of course 🙂
I thought of you when I wrote #8, Allie. I don’t read while I run – I would seriously injure myself. Although the last time I ran, I listened to an audio book instead of music and I liked it! Not the running, the listening.