This summer we plan to take our kids to California on their first visit to the West Coast. We are East Coasters, and to date their idea of “west” is Tampa.
Matt travels for work occasionally, and last weekend I was able to join him for a long weekend in San Diego. We had a fabulous time, and we are looking forward to showing the kids this beautiful state in a few months.
We did notice some interesting differences between the East Coast and the West Coast, and if you are still reading, I’m going to tell you what they are.
1. In San Diego, pedestrians waited until the “walk” signal before crossing the street. New York City natives seem to sense the signal change before it happens and are already halfway through the intersection when the signal turns. If you hesitant on the corner, you will get run over. By another pedestrian, not a car.
We were the only people who crossed when traffic was clear. Everyone else waited their turn. They would have been road kill on the East Coast.
2. LOTS of dogs in downtown San Diego. Mostly cute little ones. Lots of poop bags too. But what amused me was the potty stop made of artificial grass.
Despite all the poop bags available, some schmucks still let their pooches unload in the middle of the sidewalk. Alas, this is no different than the East Coast.
3. Awesome fish tacos – and I mean AWESOME. The ones I’ve had at home are good, but the one I had in San Diego was super fresh fish – I think the fish jumped out of the water and onto the tortilla. The Dos Equis I washed it down with was damn good too.
4. Taxi drivers come to a complete stop at every stop sign. And they yield to pedestrians. We actually had a cab driver who was doing 40 in a 50 MPH zone. I’m all for safety, but c’mon. Don’t you want to drop me off and pick up your next fare? I’m used to rushed and rude East Coasters – the laid back pace was disconcerting.
5. Real estate in San Diego, specifically in La Jolla, is the most expensive in the country. The average cost of a 4 BR/2.5 Bath, 2400 square foot home is $2.1 million. Did you hear that? TWO POINT ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!! Crazy. For that price tag, I want the house to include a butler, a chef and a pool boy. And I want them all to be hotties.
6. Dress codes are generally more casual, at least in San Diego. I did see an interesting sign on the door of a nightclub, though.
So let’s see – if you are a rabbi, a jock, or Mr. T, don’t bother trying to get in. And while I do know that manpris are capris for men, I have never actually seen that word in print.
7. Alcohol in convenience stores – I know this isn’t a West Coast thing; laws vary by state. My state varies by county, and I am always a little surprised when I see beer next to the sodas in 7-11. But what really amused me was this sign:
You need a sign for this? I’m amazed that people would actually try to buy a single beer – why buy one when you can have the whole case?
8. San Diego is blessed with beautiful weather year round. This creates an intolerance for temperature variations. It was 80 degrees one day last weekend; I heard locals complain of the heat. One local I asked said that anything under 60 degrees is considered cold. I would kill for this weather; we’ve endured a Spring of wearing flip flops one day and snow boots the next. And when it’s 97 degrees in August with 100% humidity, that 80 degree day would feel downright chilly.
I can’t wait to experience California with my kids this summer. But I think Matt will leave the manpris at home.

single beers are the go to thing in Harem Bodegas. The jaywalking a given but I hate to say that San Diego Real Estate is not even close to the most expensive. That ticket is still reserved for the good old East coast City of NEW YORK..
Thanks for hooking up to the Hump Day Hook Up. Glad you had an awesome trip away.
I’m sure you are right about NYC real estate! We are pretty spoiled here in the suburbs.
Tampa is the west- my kids can relate! The farthest west my oldest has been was being born and spending his first two weeks in Mississippi. We’re such east coasters! I get to travel for work and am looking at mountains in Arizona right now though- amazing. Can’t wait to bring my kids to the real west.
Me too!
I love fish tacos and In and Out burgers. Also, I just found a fun dress code sign outside a “pantry” store. I’ve seen the West Coast, lived in the Gulf Coast, been to Florida, the ocean in Italy, South America and Mexico. And I have YET to make it to the East Coast. Soon. I cannot wait!
Wow – you’ve been lots of places! A dress code for a pantry store? Hmmmm.
I’m still constantly surprised to see alcohol at grocery stores and I’ve been out of Jersey for six years. I’ve only been to San Diego once. It was December and 65 degrees. I lived in San Francisco for a couple years and when it was 80 degrees or higher, people were very uncomfortable. And yet it was this perfect dry heat with a cool breeze! Ah, I’m in humid, buggy New England these summers and I do miss the west..
I hear you – the humidity is horrible, especially for those of us with curly hair!
I’d like to see the west coast too. I’ve been to Vegas but that’s it. The facts are funny, and I’ve never even heard of manpris. lol
Vegas is a whole land unto itself! I hope you get the chance to visit the West Coast – it’s beautiful!
Still laughing at “Tampa is west.” And as for liquor in convenience stores – that’s normal here in Texas, but my head went spinning when I moved to New Mexico and they sold it at the Walgreen’s. 24/7. That was bizarre. Haven’t been to San Diego in years. I should put that one back on the list.
You don’t think of Tampa when you think of the west? 🙂 And yes, you should put San Diego back on the list!
I love that sign! It doesn’t say you can’t come naked! That might be the only way to fit the wardrobe bill 🙂 sounds like you guys will have a great summer!
Yes, naked or in formal wear seemed to be the only appropriate attire at that joint
I’ve been to New York a few times but I’ve never been to anywhere else in the States until earlier this year when we went to Florida. Yes, I did notice not waiting for the lights to change was a thing in NY. I love New York but I’d love to try the San Diego fish tacos. Now I’m torn :-p
You should definitely visit the West Coast if you have the chance, Katia – so different from New York, but just as fabulous!
You mock temperature intolerance, but you’d be shocked at how quickly you adjust and become sensitive to slight temperature changes. A 5 degree difference out there feels like a 20 degree difference here. Kevin would agree with you on the fish tacos. I miss shrimp tacos. They are hard to find here, and are not nearly as good as SoCal. The thing I did not appreciate enough when we live in California was the lack of mosquitos! We took the kids out there for Spring Break 2 years ago. They loved it. I am sure your will too.
I’m sure you are right about the temperature, Jen – I’m wearing a sweater in the house while my kids are in tshirts! I’ll have to pick your brain about things to do in California before we go.
I have never heard of “manpris” before, but that cracked me up! Are they like long shorts? Are they khaki? I don’t even know, I’m fashion clueless. Sounds like a great trip! I haven’t been to SD since 1987, however, I was in L.A. In January 2010 and that was pretty cool…I mean warm.
They are capris, but for men. Longer than long shorts, in all different colors. They probably originated in Europe.
Thanks for educating me on manpris. I might never have known what that was. I don’t believe I have ever seen anyone wear them. I hope you have a fantastic summer and a wonderful California vacation.
Thanks, Betty! I’ve only seen one man wear them – and he’s the only guy I know who can pull them off and not look like a dork.
so glad you loved it! you can visit me there when Bella leaves for college…in 2023 .
Visit? I’m moving in with you. I’ll have four years to sow my wild oats as an empty nester before I settle down with you.
Your list cracked me up – given I’m a So. Cal girl. I actually spend a summer in New York, so I kind of know what you mean about crossing the street and stuff. People in NYC are much more aggressive! I hope your family enjoys California. We love it here, but someday I’d like to take my kids to the East Coast. So much history there and it’s great to see a place with actual seasons. 🙂
I’m sure my kids will love it as much as Matt and I do. I hope you can bring your kids to the East Coast for a visit. My kids thought it was so cool to see all the places in Boston and Philadelphia that they learned about in school. And we may have seasons, but the extremes suck compared to your beautiful year round weather!
No “manpris?” hahahahah! I truly love San Diego and am excited that you’ll be able to show it to your kids this summer and glad you got a weekend away there with your husband. And now I’m craving fish tacos. MMM. OH! Also, In n Out Burger. And California. I got to house sit for a month many moons ago in Laguna Beach. Bliss.
I’ve heard of In-N-Out Burger – we’ll have to try it! House sitting at a beach house – sounds like a perfect gig. Why are you not still there? 🙂
Thank you so much for explaining ‘manpris’, cause I was gonna have to ask if not.
Here they sell single beers (and ales) mostly so that the really poor people can still afford to drink 😉
You know, that did occur to me 🙂
Loved your post. Two years ago we moved from Detroit to Seattle. The two things that surprised me the most were
1) the people in Seattle walk around like they have no place they have to be. Much slower and laid back.
2)When you turn on your blinker, people slow down to let you over. I’m used to people giving you the finger while they speed up to make sure you’re not able to get in front of them.
It’s so funny to see regional differences, but even more funny to find yourself embracing them.
I’ve always heard that the West Coast was more laid back, but this was the first time I really noticed it. People in Seattle seem to be doing something right!
I’m surprised that I haven’t seen that note here in the Midwest on the beer cooler!
Manpris? ROFL!
It would be fun to look at the East Coast (where I grew up) vs the Midwest. I’ll have to think about that one!
Oh, you should, Sarah! I’ve never been to the Midwest and I’m always curious about different parts of the country.
MANPRIS- HA! I have never heard that, and it made my day. I also liked “getting run over by a pedestrian!” In am in CO, so we are closer to the CA vibe than the East coast vibe, I imagine. Have a great trip; I hope it is very relaxing!
Thanks, Stephanie! I would think Colorado is closer in feel to the West Coast too. Unfortunately I haven’t been to many places in between the coasts.
Thank you for explaining manpris and if you could get a picture of Matt in a pair it would be totally cool with me.
But I do have another question, how the heck do the cabbies stay in business?
Yeah, you will never see Matt in a pair of manpris – he’s more of a cargo shorts kinda guy. And I don’t know how the cabbies stay in business!
Oh no! Am I the only one here who has never heard if Manpris?!? Obviously this is a trend that has not hit the Midwest yet. (Thankfully ) were still dealing with jorts here in Minnesota. 🙂
Now you have me stumped – what are jorts? I don’t see any manpris around here, but I know they are more popular in Europe (and I guess California!)
This is from
a combination of the words “jean” and “shorts” used to describe the hideous attire, usually sported by NASCAR afficianados and men over 40. Sometimes Jorts are accessorized with a lovely cellphone belt clip and a braided leather belt, but not always. Sometimes the Jorts wearer lets the Jorts speak for themselves.
My husband still has a few pairs of jorts, but he uses them mostly as cabin attire. Do a google image search for jorts…it’s pretty funny.
I have never been to San Diego but its one of the top cities on my wish list of places to visit- sounds so fun! And laidback!
Totally laid back – which is not my normal mode, so it was a welcome change!
You got me even more excited for my family trip to California this summer. And please pass along the name of the restaurant with the awesome fish tacos. My mouth is already watering!
It’s Tin Fish, Melissa – but I’ll tell you in person when I see you. I’m sure they are awesome in plenty of other places too, though.
Being a NYC girl, I can attest that those people definitely would have been road kill Dana, but even still does truly sound like a wonderful place to visit. San Diego has always been one of the top places I would love to visit and oping someday to make it happen for us, too. Thanks for sharing and linking this up with us!!
You would feel like San Diego was wide open country compared to NYC, Janine! I hope you can visit one day.
oh wow, so many differences, the funniest to me was the jaywalking. when I am with my son, we wait for the “walk” sign, when I am alone I walk when I have a clear, screw the sign, LOL.
sounds like you are going to have a great vacation.
We held our kids’ hands tight (granted, they are older), and crossed with them – you have to go with the flow or get run over sometimes!