Have you always felt like you’ve been missing something in your life, particularly around the second week in October every year? That’s because you haven’t been celebrating National Pet Peeve Week.
Yes, it’s a thing. And it can be very cathartic, if you let yourself truly feel the spirit of the week. A pet peeve is “a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to themselves, to a greater degree than others may find it.” (Wikipedia, source of all knowledge)
So by definition, a pet peeve is your own personal hangup. Universal annoyances, like mosquitoes and squeaky dog toys, drive everyone nuts; they would not technically be pet peeves.
Fortunately for the purpose of this post, I have plenty of personal hangups. Here are ten eleven of my pet peeves that make me want to punch someone:
1. The misuse of the word “literally.” It drives me so batty that I wrote a whole post about it when my blog was just a baby. To summarize: literally means that whatever word or phrase follows it is actually true. If it’s not true, than you don’t mean it literally, you mean it figuratively.
2. When a waiter or waitress serves me a drink with their hands at the top of the glass. That’s where my mouth goes! Completely gross.
3. That tiny hole that appears in thin t-shirts, right below the belly button. I always thought it was from rubbing against the button on my jeans, but recently a friend told me it was from leaning against a counter. Either way, it’s annoying as hell.
4. On Facebook, when someone posts a status like this: Feeling sad. Feeling frustrated. Worst day ever. Tell us why, or don’t post it. Don’t fish for comments.
5. Restrooms that don’t have push doors to exit. I’ve washed and air-dried my hands without touching anything, and then I have to figure out how to pull the door open to leave the restroom. I’m completely screwed if I’m wearing short sleeves, because I can’t even yank my sleeve over my hand like a glove. I could used the bottom of my shirt, but it would just make that stupid little hole bigger.
I’m feeling very whiny. Let’s throw in a pet peeve for each member of my family:
6. When someone backs into a spot in a crowded parking lot while I’m waiting behind them. Just pull in! (Matt)
7. When the teacher says that the essay should be at least three paragraphs, and some kid asks, “Can it be four?” (James, my “I will write exactly what is asked and no more” kid)
8. People who talk with their hands. (Gwen, who actually does talk with her hands, but insists that she doesn’t.)
9. Looking down at my leg and I seeing that I missed shaving an entire narrow strip from my ankle to my knee. And noticing it when I’m out for the day, without a razor in sight.
10. Price stickers that won’t peel off, leaving a film of paper and adhesive on my new purchase.
11. Being called ma’am. It makes me feel old and crotchety.
What is one of your pet peeves?
I relate to all of these. Arg! Especially #4 and #9! I always have a few by my ankle. And yeah, the knee. I just bought a groupon, actually, for lower leg laser hair removal! (I’m serious. Was today!)
I’ve wanted to try that, but I’m too chicken. Let me know how it goes!
I keep a razor in my glove compartment because the car is where I usually notice spots I missed shaving!
I should totally do that, Kate. I do have floss, but a razor is a great idea.
Very funny! I have several of the same pet peeves. Another one of mine is people who breathe really loud when they chew. I can’t stand hearing them breathe through they’re nose while they chew, especially if they’re chewing really loud!!! Also, the gulpy sound of swallowing. Those couple things have always bothered me extra. Oh also couples who walk with their arms around each other’s waste. How awkward and uncomfortable is that!? Its every hard To walk that way. Snuggle and show affection, sure. But when walking, hold hands like regular people or just walk side by side. Ooh, one more… Couples who sit on the same side of the table as each other in a restaurant, leaving the other side empty. Totally in each other’s space and it’s weird. I bet I could keep going haha…This is fun!
It is fun, isn’t it? You could just keep going and going and going…
So funny – I didn’t realize how many pet peeves I had until I read this
Also – using “unthaw” instead of just “thaw” and “irregardless” instead of “regardless.”
Yes – irregardless bugs me too! So many pet peeves involve incorrect word usage.
Ah, #3 has been the downfall of many nice tees…
Seriously! Manufacturers need to reinforce that area. With spandex – that would be nice.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use the word “like” too much. I’m majoring in journalism and it bugs me to no end when I hear students, people who are in a fricken communications-related field, saying it three or four times in one sentence. Learn to speak properly, morons! *sigh* Granted I am occasionally guilty of this but I strive to not speak like I am an 80s valley girl.
I try not to do that too, Kim. I’m more guilty of saying “umm” more than I’d like, but I try to be aware of how I sound.
We clothes in the hamper. The thought of it sends my blood pressure through the roof. And people who let their kids hammer on the glass of an animal enclosure (I’m a zookeeper). People who let their kids ride on the TOP of the little cart-cars at the grocery store – you know, the first ones to sue for negligence when the kid falls and gets a head injury). Rotten people who take the last MoonPie but leave the box in the cabinet so I don’t know to buy more until it is too late.
I have more, but I need to go lie down for a minute first!
Ha – hope you’ve calmed down now. I love the empty boxes in the pantry too – and then the complaining that we are out of whatever that is. If you wrote it on the grocery list, I would know we needed more…
Great list! I could do an ENTIRE post…hell a series of post on my FB related pet peeves!
Me too, Robbie! But I didn’t want to cross the line from good-natured humor to straight out bitching. Not today, anyway.
OMG, number 4 is definitely, definitely my favorite. I cannot even begin to tell you how much that drives me absolutely totally INSANE!!! GOD. It is SO OBNOXIOUS!!-Ashley
You’re breaking out the all caps, Ashley – it must really bug you! I’m with you.
The one about the bathroom is one of mine! Why??? Is all I have to say for that one. Some people don’t wash their hands so yuck why would I want to touch that door!
I know – eeewwww.
I agree w/ several of these pet peeves. Despise the price stickers that will not peel off. WTF?
And talking about facebook, I HATE when people display their bruises (( Literally )) “Look, I broke my arm!”
Damn them. I hate that.
Facebook seems to get under many people’s skin. I could have done a whole post on Facebook pet peeves alone…
I hate when announcers say “that would have been a touchdown!” How do you know that, Nostradamus? Dude could have tripped over a shoestring.
I’m too busy with the pizza stain in front of my shirt and holes in the arm pits to notice holes below my belly button. And a spot missed shaving on my shin drives me batsh*t. Even more than slow backup parkers.
I hate when a server insists on memorizing my order. I’m not impressed. You might have a photographic memory, but what if the busboy drops a tray of whiskey glasses on your head and you suffer short-term memory loss?
Exactly. I was a waitress and it bugs me too – I feel like they are just showing off. Write it down – you’re not impressing me!
So you’re telling me if we ever meet in person, I’ll know you from the holey arm pits, pizza stains, and hairy shins? Awesome.
Of course not, Dana.
I’ll wear plaid so you can’t see the pizza stains.
Preach! People who complain about their life but don’t want to take responsibiity for making the changes. People who think everything is “so hard.” My long sleeves that wear out in the elbow! I have no tolerance for Doctors who keep you waiting longer than 20 minutes. Oblivious driversv-like the ones who don’t use blinkers. I could keep going….
Ooh, the blinkers…I’m making sure my daughter uses hers every time. Don’t want to teach her the annoying way!
#4 drives me bonkers!!! If you post your emotional state without any explanation, I promise you I will NOT ask you what the situation is, just for spite.
I feel exactly the same way – I don’t ask just for spite too.
OMG, I agree with so many of these. It’s almost like I like to get aggravated. Nah! My grammar one is when people say “an historical.” Drives me crazy. Facebook fishing: Ick. When my husband wipes his toothpaste mouth on the hand towel–just rinse w/ water first, then wipe your face!! The word “steep” used in regards to tea but not for hills (what is wrong with me?) I always have to tap my spoon 3x on the side of my mug after I stir milk into coffee or tea, annoying myself. Aargh. I’m a barrel of laughs!
You annoy yourself – that’s a talent, Liz! A little OCD never hurt anyone. I think I’m going to start tapping in honor of you.
I’m with you on the clean up frustrations. I’m the only one who subscribes to the “everything has a place” philosophy. But, I think that’s a common irritation for mothers, so I’ll try to be more specific. Ah, this happened yesterday: when husband comes home but doesn’t bother to take HIS dog (that I didn’t want but now get to take care of) out to pee. Glares galore!
I bet! I was the one who wanted the dog, and I knew I would do the lion’s share of the walking. But if I didn’t sign up for that, I would be peeved!
Oh the literally gets me too!
So along the lines of waitresses and their hands on the cups, I loathe the people at Tim Horton’s who use parchment paper to pick up the donut or muffin so it doesn’t come into contact with their hands…but then they put that parchment paper in the bag that your baked good goes into. What’s the point? Your germy hands are now all up in the bag.
Oh and women who wear a bra with straps and a tank top. I don’t want to see your nasty bra. It looks so tacky. That’s why god invented strapless bras and clear elastic ones.
Whew…now that’s off of my chest.
I also agree with the facebook statuses. Especially the ones who are lazy and can’t type you.
And when people use “R.I.P” sounds grim.
I never thought about the parchment paper thing – you are right! I also don’t like when people “like” RIP statuses. I understand their intent, but it just sounds creepy.
Vaguebooking and leftover adhesive on new things are two huge ones for me. I don’t understand why stores put the price stickers on the glass of the picture frame either. That really twists my knickers!
Me too, Sandy!
Oh – I’m with you on many of these!! Parking, in general, with Chris is not my favorite! He will take up 2 spaces and not straighten out – huge pet peeve!!!
People who think that a 10:00 meeting means to show up at 10:12 is a huge pet peeve!
I could probably write a book but I’m going to stop now:)
Ha – once you list one, the rest just come pouring out!
Oh these are GOOD!! Really REALLY good!!! That sticker that doesn’t peel off all the way! YES! Matt- you are the driver I absolutely loathe!! Bathroom doors you have to PULL open after just washing your hands- and there are no paper towels to hold the knob with! I always have to stretch my shirt over my hand… and if I’m not wearing long sleeves I grab my short/pant leg fabric and raise my leg- OR? I reach allllll the way through the door handle and use my wrist. I have taught my kids these very things too.
FB drama statuses with no explanation- major peeve!! It’s just screaming for attention and I often refuse to even acknowledge it.
Matt’s not the backer-upper; he hates them! And I would love to see you trying to get out of the restroom; that is sure to be quite entertaining. I look equally ridiculous, though!
#9, I swear there is a spot on my leg that I will miss for a few weeks … in a row. Thankfully, it’s close to my ankle so people would have to get really close to see those few hairs. Oops!
That happened to me last week! I looked down and saw a few pretty long hairs – gross. I couldn’t wait to get home and shave those suckers off!
Oh hell YES to #4. On principle, I cannot be one of the people who takes the bait (“What happened? Are you ok???”). What I really want to write is, “You’re just not that interesting. Just SAY IT ALREADY.”
I can’t take the bait either, and I really want to write that too. But I resist, because I’d be the one who looks like a complete jerk.
Is it bad that I love this-even if it is a bit whiny? I was nodding along with almost every one of those pet peeves, but #10 really got me; especially when the offending sticker is on something visible like the glass of a picture frame. Grrrrrr. One of my pet peeves is people who use words incorrectly. I have a co-worker who says “mute point” instead of “moot point” and every time I hear it I just sit there and stew. Then it bothers me for the rest of the day.
It’s not bad to love this at all, Leslie – we all need to vent. Mute vs. moot – that bugs me too!
ooh, I absolutely hate that Facebook status!! Just shouts, “I’m so needy!! Gimme attention!!”
And, #7…really, some kids are such overachievers!!
I know, right? And some could stand to achieve a little more!
Wait.. other people get those holes in their shirts too? I have so many! I always thought it was from me constantly pulling my shirts down, because.. you know.. modesty or whatever.
Also.. “vague-booking” on Facebook is highly annoying!
Vague booking – I love that term! The hole in the shirts seem to be a universal thing – it is so bizarre.
Mine is waiting at the doctor’s office. Which I am doing right now. Noticing a tiny hole in my t-shirt. And reading those cryptic Facebook statuses (“1 more sleep!” Wtf?) And seething…
I hope you weren’t getting your blood pressure checked, Nicki!
oh crap. I literally talk with my hands. But I know how to use “literally” correctly. And ugh to those bathroom doors because the waiter touching the rim of your glass probably just touched the handle. Gross. Also, those price stickers drive me NUTS – they always seem to be on picture frame glass. UGH.
I talk with my hands, too. That’s Gwen’s pet peeve, not mine. And yes – on picture frames, WTF? And mirrors. How stupid is that?
I didn’t know that this was Pet Peeve Week. I now have a reason to write a post that is somewhat rantful! Haha I have so many pet peeves that I guess that I am just a misanthrope.
You sound like my daughter – she was rambling off a ton to me when I asked her for one. I had to cut her off!
Oh, the vague FB posters drive me insane! They are LITERALLY just fishing for attention. (See what I did there? I used it correctly!) This was a fun one. My new pet peeve is reading everyone’s lists and remembering all the things I should have put on my list, but couldn’t think of when I was writing it!
Lisa, this comment was hiding in my spam folder – I wonder why? Hmm. Anyway, I was reminded of a bunch when I read other people’s too. Pet peeves are contagious, I think.
Oh, the overuse and misuse drives me (not literally) crazy! And I’m a hand talker, so I might annoy you
Not me, that was Gwen. I’m a hand talker too – and I annoy her. What else is new?
Ah! Well that will probably be her one day. I used to make fun of my for doing it, and now I do it all the time!
My daughter has just started using the word “literally” very frequently. It drives me bonkers. Technically, she’s using it correctly, but you don’t have to punctuate every statement with LITERALLY! Even if you are a tween!
I just literally laughed out loud. *See what I did there?*
I have way too many pet peeves to mention and this post gave me the giggles.
I do talk with my hands though, but you never told me it annoyed you.
A few are waitresses who don’t listen (yes, I really said fried egg, yolk broken, over over hard), people who call me Tanya (although the letter N is nowhere to be seen in my name), and people who chew gum and pop bubbles loudly. Thanks for brightening my morning!
So good to see you here, Taya -glad I made you giggle. Hand talking doesn’t annoy me – that was my daughter’s pet peeve. I do it all the time, and she hates it! J
Thank you for solving that super annoying holes in my t-shirts question! I was certain it was a sharp edge on the button of one pair of jeans but this makes much more sense!
My pet peeves with waitresses are when they don’t write down an order (and almost always have to come back because they forgot or bring the wrong thing) and when they see cash in the paid bill folder and ask if we need change. AARRGGHH! Yes. Always bring change and then I will leave a tip. It may be the entire amount of the change but it may not.
Phew thanks for the opportunity to vent.
That drives me nuts with the tip too! You’ll get your tip, just bring me change. Come back and vent anytime, Mo!
Number ten always send my hubs over the edge. My pet peeve (or one of) is when people get up for the table or breakfast bar and don’t push the chair back in!
Oh yes – it is a common occurrence in my house. I’ll walk in the kitchen and every chair is three feet from the table. Nice.
I talk with my hands all the time! I think David & Matt might have been separated at drivers ed class. Why, oh why, can they not just pull into the freaking space?
My pet peeve: the Facebook postings of what people are having for dinner. I believe they should come with an invite to feed whomever is reading their post.
I think that is an excellent idea, Kerri. Don’t post unless you plan on inviting me!
Was almost like a therapy session today writing out our pet peeve lists, wasn’t it? I listed mine, got them out and felt better … but now I’m reading all the other posts in the link-up and I’m getting irked all over again. LOL. All of the peeves mentioned by you and the other linked-up bloggers are excellent. Amazing how much we all have in common.
And if we all have similar pet peeves, then who are the people doing all of this annoying stuff? Because clearly it isn’t us!
I hate that hole!!! It sucks, and I do everything to avoid it becoming bigger!!!! My list could have gone on and on. Thankfully the teen went to bed! Awesome list. As for the Facebook one, I have threatened to de-friedn people over this one! Leave the fishing pole for fishing!
Exactly! I have to resist writing a snarky comment when I see posts like that.
haha!! I have never noticed the waiter/glass one. I think I always get a straw. I loved this post. I REALLY can’t stand people that back into parking spots. It’s not necessary!!! Ugh. Just thinking about it is pissin’ me off!!
My Pet peeves are people that don’t answer me when I ask a question (hubs and son)…but if you DON”T reply to THEM, it’s not ok…
How about when you get all of the dishes done and the sink is pristine and glistening in it’s emptiness and someone walks up and puts a bowl in the sink….ugh!
I loved your images in this!!
Thanks, Goldi – I didn’t have photos of my pet peeves, so I had to improvise. And the sink – I love when that bowl has cereal and milk in it, that then splashes all over the clean sink. Ugh!
I have a friend that named his cat “Peeve,” so he could say it was his Pet Peeve. Ha!
That is brilliant! And Peeve is actually kind of a cute name for a cat.
Mine is people using the wrong direction when talking about where they are going – when people in Maryland say they are going down to New York or Up to Florida. Ahhhh, drives me nuts!
You did not include one pet peeve that I know you have, people not putting lotion on their dry heels. I think of you every time I wear flip flops! xoxo
Ha – I’m happy to keep you moisturized, Laura. Honestly, I try to avoid checking out heels – it makes for a much more pleasant day.
Haha! I hate it when waiters touch the rim of the glass and the facebook thing and Ma’am make me cranky too! I’ve been noticing how much I say literally since you’re post!
As long as you say it correctly…
I got ma’amed by a ma’am at football practice last week. I looked at her and was like – wait you’re older than ME!!! I love your list and agree with all. I think Christopher and I need to have a talk “literally” – he uses that word a lot. As for the shirts, if you’re getting them from Old Navy, I think they come with a hole in them. LOL! So a pet peeve of mine which I’m sure I’ve posted somewhere – when people bring their whole families to the grocery store. Leave them home or walk single file and not side by side by side by side by side.
I agree with you about the Old Navy shirts. But it happens with more expensive shirts too, which really annoys me. The grocery store – on the rare occasion that we all go, we divide and conquer. What’s the point of dragging them along if they aren’t going to help me get out of there faster?
Yes, to so many of the above, especially the shaving one. Seriously, I have done that more often then not now, because I shave so quickly and just can’t help, but miss a spot, but still drives me crazy!
Me too, Janine. I look at it all day and it drives me bonkers!
Snapping gum . . . gross. I mean, no one would ever chew their food so that someone across the room could hear. Why do some think it is okay to chew that gum that loud? It is disgusting and my biggest pet peeve. It’s gross. It’s awful. It needs to be stopped!
Tell me how you really feel, Mimi!
I promise I will never, ever snap gum in your presence. Ever.
your/you’re, there/their/they’re, the hole in the shirt!!, when I come out of the bathroom and my husband says ‘what took you so long?’
I love pet peeve week…
Me too – I knew this was going to be a fun one!
OMG the hole in the shirt!!!! It makes me insane!…and I think it’s because of your pants/jeans and not the counter because I don’t lean on a counter THAT much. And I really, really hate the misuse of “couldn’t care less.” That’s right, it’s COULDN’T, not could. If you could care less then…. UGH! Drives me nuts and everyone does it.
If I wrote a post like this I think there would be at least 20 things – hahaha. Love yours and agree with all of them.
Couldn’t care less – that’s one of mine too, Allie! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. It’s hard to come up with pet peeves on demand.
Yay for pet peeves! I know I have a few of those like poor or completely wrong translations, people asking questions to which the answer is obvious, people who refused to admit they are wrong even when all the evidence points to them being wrong, loud gum chewing… I think I’ll stop now.
Ha – it would be easy to go on and on, wouldn’t it?
love it when someone rants about pet peeves – I have two that I know of of
people wearing pj’s out in public eeew!
not putting anything away any flat surface in my house is not good — for the piece of crap someone was just playing with. (i will throw it out if its not put away where it belongs) – basically do not leave it on my counter- dining room table – coffee table – end table -or desk –
Yay I do have a 3rd one not saying “Bless you” – ” God Bless You” or any variation of that when someone sneezes.
Those are good ones, Marisa. I can’t stand things lying around either, which is unfortunate for me because no one else in my house seems to care!
Yes! those are mine too! I get bothered seeing people in public with PJ’s on and slippers too! That FB post crap has to stop. People are just asking for drama! I could go on and on…………………
So could I, Tammie – that’s why I cut myself off at 11!