If you need a good book, you’re in luck. It’s time for another round of book reviews — a few books I’ve read in the past month or so that I’ve really enjoyed. If you don’t have an account on Good Reads, I highly recommend it; you can create shelves of books you’ve read, books you are reading, and ones that you want to try. I have 32 books on my to-read shelf right now!
Half Broke Horses
by Jeannette Walls
A follow up to Glass Castle, this novel tells the story of Jeannette’s grandmother, who grew up in the early 1900s in the southwest. If you’ve read Glass Castle, Half Broke Horses will give you insight into what made Jeannette’s mother the way she was. If you haven’t read it, I would recommend reading this book first. Walls uses her family’s memories, photos, and stories to bring her grandmother to life – and what a life she led. As a teacher (like Laura Ingalls Wilder), a rancher, a bootlegger, and a mother, Lily Casey Smith’s life will amaze and exhaust you.
I was intrigued by Lily’s life, and found myself admiring her spunk. I had to remind myself that this entertaining story is based on a real woman’s life. But the traits that make a good story do not necessarily make a good mother, and there were moments when I cringed at the way in which Lily raised her children. Nevertheless, both of Walls’ books provide a glimpse into a family struggling to stay afloat in the face of natural disasters and poverty. Both books are must reads!
I loved Hamill’s novel Forever, and enjoyed North River as well. Set in Brooklyn in 1947, Snow in August is the story of 12 year old Catholic Michael Devlin and his burgeoning friendship with Rabbi Hirsch. Racism and anti-Semitism abound in this working class neighborhood, as Michael begins to see the world as a push and pull between right and wrong, good and evil, acceptance and intolerance.
I enjoyed this book while I was reading it, but I found that I appreciated it even more after it ended. Hamill explores faith though the eyes of Michael and Rabbi Hirsch. Michael, the son of Irish immigrants, is wrestling with God’s part (or lack thereof) in the injustices and violence inflicted on innocent people whose only crimes are their religion or skin color. Rabbi Hirsch, a refugee from Prague, is a man of God who has lost his faith after witnessing the horrors of war.
We hear talk of “simpler times” in the 40s and 50s, but Snow in August reminds us that simpler is not always better. It’s an thought provoking look at finding faith and friendship in the most unlikely people and places.
Louisa Clark is a 26 year old stuck in a rut, in a unfulfilling relationship and living home with her parents. Will Traynor is a quadriplegic who has no desire to live, two years after the accident that destroyed his life as he knew it. Lou takes a job looking after Will, and their relationship changes both of their lives.
This is one of those books that really got to me emotionally. It stuck with me for days after I finished. I can’t say anymore without giving spoilers – you’ll have to read it yourself. A quick, engrossing read, Me Before You is moving and poignant.
If you read one of these books, let me know what you think! Leave a comment, send me an email (dana4kissmylist at gmail dot com), tweet me, or leave a note on my Facebook page. I’d love to hear from you.
And check out my last round of book reviews here.
Do you have any must reads I can add to my to-read shelf?

i love how many books you make time to read! i have three right now and have not finished any!
You have to make the time Elizabeth! I’m sneaky about getting my reading time in – while I walk the dog, waiting for dinner to be ready – and sometimes I hide in the bathroom to finish a chapter 🙂 I’m impressed that you are reading three books at the same time – I couldn’t keep them straight!
I am putting all three of these on my Amazon wish list- thanks for the recommendations! I had read Glass Castle, but not this one.
ohhh I need a good book. I used to be such an aid reader then the kids came along and I truly need to kick the tv and start reading again. I’m hitting up Glass Castle and then Half Broken Horses! Sound good! thanks Dana!
I hope you like them, Kerry – when you finish, google the author – there is a great tv news segment interview with her that I found fascinating.
Thank you as always for your book suggestions. I’m off to the library next week. Wish some of the books were cheaper to download on the kindle. Getting too expensive but I love to read on it. I think I’m going to try Me Before you and Where’d You Go Bernadette next. Thanks again.
They ere both great, Lisa. Let me know what you think!
LOVE GOODREADS…I get so many great book recs there. Always looking for more books to read and audio books to listen to as I drive.
Maybe you’ll enjoy one of the books I reviewed, Karen. Let me know!