A puzzle, like a person, is the sum of its parts. Alone, each puzzle piece is just a blob of shape and color. Only when the pieces fit together do they form something cohesive and whole.
Every puzzle has the edge pieces, and those are the easiest to interlock. They give the puzzle structure, and provide a framework in which all the other pieces fit.
Every puzzle also has those oddly shaped pieces, the ones that don’t seem to fit anywhere, until they do.
Those edge pieces are our habits – the things we do often in a regular and repeated way. Those oddly shaped pieces are our quirks – our peculiar traits that become a part of our persona even though they appear to be misshapen.
It’s a shaky puzzle/person metaphor, but I was already all in. That’s a habit of mine. Or maybe a quirk.
I have some good habits…
I work out every weekday morning – the earlier the better. The later it gets, the less likely I am to exercise.
I wash my face every night.
I always wear sunscreen, even in the dead of winter.
I have some bad habits…
I must have something sweet to eat after dinner.
I pre-worry, far in advance of when I actually need to worry about something.
I forget that clothes are in the washing machine, and by the time I pull them out they stink and I have to wash them again.
I have lots of quirks, which I will refrain from categorizing.
I flip my pillow to the cold side when I get into bed.
I will not pick up a penny if it’s tails up, but I must pick it up if it’s heads up.I cannot stand having my lower back touched – it is that ticklish. If you were to hover your hand an inch or two above my back, I would involuntary arch my back in an attempt to move away.
I hold my breath as I drive over a state line. This habit was started by my daughter, and now we all do it.
I can’t stand when my nails grow past my fingertips. If I can hear them when I tap the table, they are too long.
Lately my kids have come up with an amusing game they like to call #TypicalDana. They point out things I often do or say, and end their sentence by saying “Typical Dana.” It’s getting a bit out of hand, but they continue to be entertained. It doesn’t even have to make sense anymore:
Wearing yoga pants. #TypicalDana #truth
Forgot to pack chips in our lunches. #TypicalDana #notreally #packyourownlunch
At dinner a few nights ago, I consulted my family about my habits and quirks, and Gwen actually pulled up her Typical Dana list she has been keeping on her phone. Here’s the consensus:
I never close my Tervis water bottle.
I never lock my phone screen.
I won’t open a bag of chocolate or candy that’s in the house, but once it’s open, I have no self control.
I repeats things multiple times (as in instructions, directions, demands, requests).
I butter bread after every bite.
All of these are true (except for the bread – that’s only true for a thick hunk of french bread), and they seem to drive at least one family member nuts.
The kids also pointed out a few things I often say:
What’s your ETA?
Give me a REAL hug.
I don’t recommend doing this exercise with your family; it can be tough on the ego. But if one of the things that my kids remember about me was that I always wanted a hug, then I’ve been the kind of parent I wanted to be.
I’ve also been a repetitive, forgetful, ticklish, worrying parent, but I’m going to focus on the positives.
This gave me a ton of warm fuzzies…and the quirks your kids pointed out are so sweet, like they really notice little things like you don’t close your water bottle? That’s super and observant. I am not performing this little test on my kids. I am scared of their comments, especially since I don’t have a water bottle around to speak of, and that would only remind me that I don’t drink enough water. Awesome post Dana #youresupercute
Thanks, Sandra! Interestingly, they always notice my open water bottle, but the piles of dirty clothes on their bedroom floors don’t seem to register.
that was such a fun, funny read. your family’s hilarious. i have to ask…if you are ticklish, does that mean you can’t get massages?
Interesting you should ask that…I had one massage years ago, and I was miserable. I just had my second, and I told the masseuse I was ticklish. She used firm pressure and it was great. Still a bit ticklish, but minor enough.
Well I adore repetitive, ticklish, pre-worrying, REAL-HUGGING you, and I think you’re just marvellous. I think it’s a hoot that your kids are logging your quirks and I’m glad my family don’t do that.
I might ask them. I mentioned this month’s prompt was about quirks and a very mischievous glint appeared in both mum AND WonderAunty’s eyes…
Uh oh! A mischievous glint – that sounds like something I’d see in your eyes too!
Oh, undoubtedly 😉
Ok I totally want to join in this one. I mean, I’ve wanted to join in ALL of them but life, the stomach bug, work, and my brain. I’m going to open a G-Doc now though so I remember. I love that your kids have #typicalDana going and that Gwen keeps hers on her phone – that’s totally fabulous. I’m going to ask Tucker now what I always do. “Give me a real hug” will be good with me if it’s on his list. And huh. I’ve never noticed your fingernails. Long ones gross me out too.
I’d love to hear Tucker’s answers, and your own. What is #typicalKristi? Inquiring minds want to know.
This is such a cool post – I just love this. And I realize this is now THREE of the Who I Am’s that I’ve missed out on. I signed up. I intended to do it…and I didn’t. I may even have unsubscribed at some point when I went on a mad email cleaning binge. 😀
I particularly like this month’s offering. All those quirks are the things that make us unique, make us US. I love seeing how the lists are similar or different between what we notice about ourselves and what others notice, too. That’s a real conversation starter!
Just jump in whenever you can, Lisa – no pressure! I like this month’s too, although I didn’t intend to ask my family. They just happened to be teasing me, which they tend to do. I’m so loved. 😉
I may get to it yet – just saw Kristi’s comment and that”s so very much the same for me.
We do a lot of that teasing in my family. Believe it or not, it’s how we show our love for and connection with one another. I love it.
Note to self: include “always late to link up” to my list of bad habits when I post my contribution to Who I Am.
I absolutely love how you describe the difference between habits and quirks with habits being the straight edges and quirks being the in between pieces. Not a shaky metaphor at all. I think it’s spot on. Our habits form the framework or borders of our lives and the quirks, good and bad, fill in the rest.
I like that you link up a little later – it spreads out the love a bit. I smiled when I saw your link tonight!
Wow, so brave. Don’t know if I want to ask my kids what my quirks are, might not like the answers. LOL. But I certainly have no self-restraint when it comes to an open bag of candy and I definitely forget to change the laundry (need to do that right now actually). Sweets after dinner, yep! Leaving cabinet doors open, yep! My kids would probably say I’m always telling them to clean their room (or yelling at them to do so). That’s brutally honest I guess. The yelling part, but I wouldn’t have to yell if they listened the first 15 times, right?? Enjoy your week!
I say the same thing – I wouldn’t have to nag the kids if they did what I asked the first time (or the second, or the third). But somehow that becomes my fault. It’s always Mom’s fault!
Now, I’m kind of tempted to ask my family what my quirks are, but I’m not sure my ego is ready for the answers, ha ha.
Yes, you’re better off coming up with them on your own!
I love this and would be scared to death to ask! I cringed when I read that your daughter has a list. Uh-oh, that’s something Aud would do! She and Rich always give me a hard time about my mommyisms. The boys have my back though, they wouldn’t dare!
Most of the items were true and kinda funny, but I did take issue with a few. You don’t always want to know what your family thinks of you, right?
Definitely no self-control. And repeat myself a lot, even when unnecessary. Pre-worrying-check! Also brooding afterwards. Presently my good habit, or at least one my 5yo enjoys is when we wake in the morning and after we talk for a bit I put my glasses on then look at her in surprise as if I had no idea it was her.
That’s adorable! I miss the days when I could make my kids laugh so easily. It’s tougher now, but it’s a major win when it happens.
Love it!!! If leaving that water bottle open is the worst thing you ever do, then you’re good!!! But, yes to the worrying and hugs!
I had planned to write for this one, but realized we had done a Tuesday Ten about bad habits just a few months ago, so, then, I decided to just link up that one. I like this perspective of “quirks,” though – things that aren’t necessarily good or bad – they just are. Hmmmmmmm………..
Your old post was perfect for this, but a quirks one would be fun too!
This is great! I know some of the things my kids would say I always say and do because they already tell me.
I have the same two problems re: sweets after dinner and forgotten wet clothes.
Isn’t that the worst? It kills me to waste all that water just because I can’t remember to switch the laundry.
I loved this!! Learning things about you that I probably otherwise would never know; your quirks and especially the little stuff that your family notices!! LOL!! can’t believe they actually made a list too!!
That’s my daughter – the list making runs in the family 🙂
Dana, Love it so much, going to try it. Omg!! can i do!!
You can – I’d love for you to join us!
I enjoyed this Dana. I do a lot of these same things. I will not be the first to open ANY snack. A couple weekends ago my husband went out of town for two nights. The timing of the lemon cookies ended just right. There was a brand new pack here but I told Christopher not to open them. That are “daddy’s cookies” even though we eat them. So I had two days off from cookies. Might I add that I’m not even a big cookie or lemon cookie fan. That makes it worse. But they are good and you can’t eat just one. So I try REALLY hard not to stop.
Love your opening about the puzzle. I put together a 750 piece on over the Christmas holidays – those pieces that don’t fit until it just does!
Christopher saw a heads up penny about a week ago as we were going into a store. I said, “That’s good luck.” He said, “I know but it has germs on it.” LOL!
The prompt snuck up on me this month. I gotta think on it.
You and lemon cookies, me with my husband’s Vienna fingers…I don’t even like them! But they are sugar, and if they are open and in my line of sight, I’m doomed.
I remember your puzzle from FB…I did one over the holidays too. My back was killing me for days after hunching over the table for hours.
You are a brave woman… there is NO WAY I would unleash the #typicalmom conversation in my house. I am glad you shared… I’m also repetitive and forgetful. Just last week, I had to make myself a checklist for before I leave the house for the afternoon activities (snacks? sports bags? water bottles? dinner?) And pre-worrying? Count me in!
Your puzzle/ people metaphor works… this was a great prompt. 🙂
I’m glad you liked it, Julia. It’s funny, the typical Dana conversation happened weeks before I even started writing this prompt, without my approval! I figured if they were going to make fun of me, I might as well use it in my post. So I can remember how much my family loves me…
Don’t know if some of these habits and quirks develop after living with someone for many years, but six of yours are also mine! (everyday exercise is not one of them, unfortunately!) I think if I asked your father (which I will NOT) my most annoying habits he would say nagging and touching his stuff. I won’t even attempt to ask my daughters for their thoughts on the matter!
You should ask your grandkids! They don’t pull any punches, that’s for sure.
I’m definitely going to do this. The kids constantly point out things to me that I always say. I had no idea the phrase righty-o joe” came out of my mouth but apparently it does.
I will get back to you with a list of what they come up with. It’s funny how the more calm i have, the more consistent and habitual I am. Right now with the way things are in my life, I feel like I have no more regular routine or habits. it makes me quite sad actually.
I bet you have more than you realize, but I hope you are soon at a place where routine and stability is the norm. Righty-o Joe? Ha. #TypicalDana
That’s funny I was also thinking of a puzzle metaphor!
I totally overworry, way before I need to worry. And I repeat things….a lot. (I think I picked that up from my parents.) I actually asked for my family to tell me some of my quirks when I was at my parents’ house the other night. I included some of them on my list 😉
It will be interesting to see what Eve points out as my quirks when she is older.
Just enjoy that Eve isn’t pointing them out yet! It is interesting to find out what others see as our quirks, although I’m not sure I’d ask anyone outside of my family!
Oh I love this one! My boys are JUST starting to do and say stuff like this and it’s hard having truth thrown at you from two 7 year-olds!! They love to point out when “mom is being mom” and it’s usually pretty funny. I do love that you always want a “real” hug. My stepmom never lets the boys get away with a quick one either, which is one of her best qualities 🙂
I hope my kids feel that way about hugs one day, although I think they may already secretly feel it. Mom just being Mom – I bet your boys could create a post for you!
Nope. No self-control around sweets here. And I drive my husband NUTS with my pre-worrying. I worry about things that could happen months from now. Also, thick pieces of french bread were made for butter…or a brush of olive oil and good chunk of cheese.
Exactly! You can’t just eat it dry – that would just be wrong.
This is awesome! And gave me many ideas to write my own quirks post.
Although my good habits list.. is small I think. I try to wash my face every night and floss too, but my bad habit is to fall asleep on the couch first..
Well.. you’ll hear about that.
Falling asleep on the couch sounds like a good habit to me! I had trouble coming up with my good habits too – it’s easier to remember the bad or strange ones. Probably because my kids keep pointing them out.
Omg, Dana as I do so many of these myself, including the candy as I just finished off a bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs today after the bag was opened and indeed not having any self control. Seriously, sad but true!!!
Oh – Easter candy! Any candy, really. Why is it so hard to resist?