I have an envelope with nude photos tucked away in a drawer in my home.
Yes, the photos are of me. No, I’m not completely nude. I’m donning underwear and a lovely fabric shower cap, the kind patients wear in surgery. The photos are as erotic as a pile of dog poop, and about as attractive. They were taken by my dermatologist years ago, to serve as a reference point when I have my yearly full body exam.
Lovely, right? Way too much information. The person who burns those photos immediately upon my death (many, many years from now) will inherit my entire fortune.
Like too many women, I can easily find fault with many of my body parts. The thought of those horrific photos falling into anyone’s hands makes me want to vomit. Yet I’m much less critical of other people’s appearances; why can’t I give myself the same courtesy?
In honor of National Nude Day, I’m shedding the self-criticism and finding things I love about my body. It’s not the easiest topic to write about, but tomorrow is National Tapioca Day, and I have even less to say about a lumpy pudding.
(You may notice I haven’t had much to say in almost a month. Summer vacation, a grand trip to Europe, and the subsequent re-entry into real life has put a damper on my writing. I’m working on trip posts, though, and soon you may wish I would shut up again.)
1. My hair. It’s naturally curly, although the curls didn’t really kick in until after a few years of perms in high school. I can wear it straight too, although not if it’s raining or if I plan on sweating. The curls work for me, because usually I’m too lazy to spend time styling my ‘do. Spritz in some product and I’m out the door.
2. My eyes. They are big and brown. I’d love to say many a man has lost himself in their depths, but I only count one. More important than their appearance, however, is my eyes’ ability to gaze on wonders like this:
3. My chin. I have a ball chin, with a cleft. My mom used to tell me it was like John Travolta’s, which I loved because Danny Zuko was my unrequited love. Now I have no desire to be compared to the oddly plastic face of my former heart throb, but I still like how my chin is just a little different from everyone else’s.
4. My height. I’m barely five foot two, and I don’t mind being short. I can wear heels if I want to be taller, and pants are easily hemmed. It is a bit odd to be the shortest person in my family, but as long as my kids keep putting their heads on my shoulder when they hug me, I’m okay with that.
5. My arms. They embrace those tall kids. They hold, they lift up, and they support. And with enough tricep dips, they only slightly flap in the wind when I wave.
6. My legs. I love them for what they do. We walked an average of ten miles a day in Europe, and my legs took me almost 800 steps to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica to see this view:

Look closely, and you can see the Colosseum almost dead center, to the right of the large white building.
7. My body works. So many bodies are broken, and I try to remember that when I have minor aches and pains.
8. It protects the most important parts of me – my heart and my mind. My head in particular does a fabulous job. When I slipped on the garage steps and fell backwards into my minivan, my head left a dent in the van door, but my brain was fine. I think.
9. It heals. That dent in the van door never went away, but the knot on the back of my head did. Similarly, when a can of corn fell from a top shelf in the grocery store and hit me in the forehead, that gash healed too.
10. It’s mine. You only get one body; you might as well own it. Not everyone has that right, even today.
What do you love about your body?
I used to bemoan the fact that I’m 4’10” but I’m over it now. Life is way too short!
Pun intended, right? I’m with you,though. Being short is no big deal to me.
I love that you found so much to love about your body Dana (you are very cute by the way) and I really love the photo at the end. Also, I am happy to burn the photos for you if nobody else is offering.
No one has offered, so thank you! I knew I could count on you, Kristi.
Btw- You got me wondering where my breast reconstruction surgeon has all my photos of before and after and in between…
Oh dear God…
Uh oh…
I love love love your list!! You are utterly marvelous and miraculous exactly how you are made… and what’s best about who you are? That you get it. You totally grasp the beauty of the miracle in it all.
Those shots are UNBELIEVABLE!!!
I cannot WAIT to see and hear about all of it!
I missed you too! Hope you are healing well. Just posted the first of my trip reviews today 🙂
Love this! What a wonderful way to celebrate your body! Also, I’m so impressed that your dermatologist took pictures for future reference. I just got a once over and was told to come back in a few years…
Yes, she was very thorough! Maybe too thorough. 🙂
I’m also 5’2″ and never thought of it that way! It’s all about POV. As long as I’m not behind people at a parade or concert, cause then I have no point of view at all. 😉
Tell me about it! I’m often in the shadows in family pics because everyone towers over me.
Welcome back Dana! I can’t wait to hear all about your trip to Italy. The pictures are so beautiful. You should definitely love every aspect of your body. It’s done so much in life. Though I would never keep photos like that from a dermatologist. They’d go right into the fire!
They really should, but I feel like I need to keep my own copies so I don’t have to go through that photo shoot again!
I love this! More appreciation, less comparison — especially with respect to our bodies. I am way to hard on myself, but trying to be nicer to my body too.
It’s tough to do – it’s so ingrained in us, I think.
This is beautiful, and more women need to celebrate, instead of berate, their bodies. (although, I must admit, you scared me with that first paragraph!)
Cheers to naturally curly, easy do’s, and 5’2″. (More things we have in common ). I love that my hair is red and that my legs are strong- I beat a bunch of kids in hill repeats yesterday- boosh!
Go Julia! Today my son got me in an arm lock and I couldn’t get out. Then I used brains instead of brawn – a quick tickle to the underarm got me free!
I admire your courage! More women including myself need to be more generous with our bodies as we are with other’s.
Thank you!
Love this and happy to see you back on the blog! (Although I completely understand and kind of envy the reason you were gone.) I need to remember that last point. I spend far too much time and energy disliking my physical self and I need to be more grateful for this one & only body.
Ugh – sorry I didn’t respond sooner, Lisa. Your comments always go to spam 🙁 Happy to be back, even at a much slower pace.
Oh I love this!!
I just posted a picture of myself on my blog in my sports bra and my non-existent tits. I wish I had bigger boobs but then I got to thinking of boob sweat in the summer and bouncy boobs with the potential of retina injury and the fact that if I don’t need to wear a bra, I really don’t have to — but I do because awkward and nipples.
I try to find the good in myself, I really do, but it’s hard.
I love every thing about this.
I can relate to the boob thing, Kimberly. And I could easily list ten great things about you, but that might come off a bit creepy and stalkerish if I started talking about your body parts. But if you ever need that list, just ask.
Hi Dana! I’m still on my leave from blogging but I wanted to stop by and say hi! I’m assuming your Europe trip was AHmazzing. I love the pics you inserted up above. That last one looks like either the Swiss or French Alps maybe? I’m glad you are able to see the beauty in yourself! And I always like when people give their height…I guess it’s just a Mike thing lol 🙂 You have me thinking of Grease AND Saturday Night Fever now. My huge unrequited love was Olivia Newton-John. Oh my… 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Mike! The trip was amazing, and I’ll post lots more pics. Yes, that last photo is the Swiss Alps.
I girl crushed on Olivia Newton-John, so I feel you!
What a girlpower post! Everyone is in bed so I high-fived the dog.
My mom used to complain about her super curly hair and her bra size. Well, guess what she lost to breast cancer and chemo? That was a message I started getting at age 11: be thankful.
Wow – that is a powerful message, and a tough one. No complaining here! I hope the dog gives a good high five. 🙂
Aw man I was hoping the photos would be juicier;) Kidding! Love this! I have to remind myself constantly to love myself for who I am today, not who I was at my “best” etc….It’s all a journey and thanks for the positive inspiration;)
Good point, Lindsay – love who you are now. You are quite inspiring yourself!
****Pure Perfection.*****
Thank you for reminding us to LOVE ourselves! Sometimes I forget!
Love this.
The Coliseum is magnificent! xx
It really is. And happy to remind you 🙂
Great post, Dana! I have loved seeing some of the vacation pics from FB, and I can’t wait to read all about it! Another shorty here! LOL! Of course, it certainly has not stopped me one bit! I love being perfectly imperfect, in every way! Hope you finally get settled and have a great week!
Thanks, Stacey – you too!
Gosh! I’m so glad you didn’t get seriously hurt both times!
Your list is really thoughtful and realistic! Love it!
Thanks, Roshni. Yes, grace is not exactly my strong point, but fortunately my head is 🙂
Great list. I need to make one myself! Had no idea about national nude day. Body love is part of self-love, both of which are completely crucial to a happy life, I believe.
I completely agree, Lucy!
I love cleft chins! Cassidy has one and a chin dimple and a chin scar – exactly like Harrison Ford’s.
I love your working eyes! Eyes that see.. well that’s my whole career.
I love my hair. It’s wavy and can be straight or even curly – with a bit of work.
I love that my hair can be all of those things too, although I’m not usually up for the work, so I stick with curly.
So I’m Cassidy’s chin twin, huh? I knew I liked that guy.
I love that last picture of you!! Can’t wait to read all about your trip. I guess I’d have to say my eyes are my favorite feature, both how they look and how they see.
I think that eyes are often my most favorite feature about a person. So expressive and telling about who they really are.
What a fantastic post, Dana! I really like my smile, underbite & all! I like my eyes, that I have a body in good health and condition that allows me to walk all over with Eve (and bend down to pick her up and get silly with her on the floor). I can’t wait to read about your adventures!
Can’t wait to share them with you!
This is great, Dana! Your chin is totally cute, but I can’t believe you dented the van door with your head! OUCH!!
Tell me about it! I was pretty impressed that my head could leave that much of a dent though.
This is such a healthy and inspiring post! I totally thought you might be posting that picture in honor of the day. 😉 But seriously, the list is great and encouraging. I loved it.
I’ve been thinking about your trip and wondering how it was to take that fantastic break. Can’t wait to hear about it. (Read about it!)
I just have to find the time to sit down and write about the trip, Nina – I can’t wait to share it with you.
And there is no amount of money that would make me share THOSE photos…
Love this! Such a positive and powerful reminder of how amazing our bodies are 🙂
Thank you, Julie!
Ouch to #9. I guess that happens when you’re short 😉 I had a can fall on my foot at the grocery store. I had on sandals and the pain was so bad I just had to stand there for a few minutes to compose myself. I would have liked to abandon my cart but I was almost done. I love how you see yourself. I read an article yesterday something about what women in their forties would tell women in their thirties and it had something to do with love yourself. I do think as I get older as long and I am doing something to take care of myself whether its working or not, I do feel better about myself. Yesterday I loved my torso. Yes I was holding my stomach in but I said, “Not bad.”
Love this pics. If you put those on FB I missed them 😉 or I was too fascinated by the gelato.
Ha – torso love is underrated! I didn’t post those pics to FB – they are just teasers for the gazillions I’ll share soon. And yes, gelato does tend to fascinate me too. Which is not good for my torso!
Oh Dana this was as beautiful as you are…inside and out! And I cannot wait to hear about your trip of a lifetime
Thank you, Kerri! I can’t wait to tell you all about it.
Thank goodness my dermatologist didn’t take a similar photo! I’m looking forward to your recaps from your trip.
Oh, and there are tons of photos – close ups, etc. It’s horrible. Stay tuned for the recaps!
What an extremely thorough Dermatologist! Seriously though, this is a great reminder that everyone, no matter how beautiful they are to others, often struggle with the same body images as the rest of us. And you, my friend, are beautiful inside and out!
Thank you, Laura. <3 I don’t see that dermatologist anymore (not because she took the pics!), and I went through quite a bit of trouble to get the pics from her office to the new one.
I like my eyes and hair too. But definitely not my chin. Excited to read about your trip!
I have almost 700 pics to go through, Sarah – hoping to get the first post up soon!
Love this post
Thank you xoxo
Aw, Dana I truly love how positive you are about your body image and have to admit somedays I am, too, but others not so much. I need more reminders myself of why to love my own body and might have to take a page out of your book now as this post was a major reminder for sure.
I love when prompts serve as reminders to think positively…glad you did too!
I love this Dana! And I did not image you as 5’2! Wow you’re even shorter than ME lol. I love the things you pointed out too, little things that often get overlooked but add beauty. And yes you do have lovely hair 🙂
For me, I love my eyes. I also like my hair, though I don’t like how it grays prematurely (some genetic thing I think) so I have to dye it every month. I love my fingernails and the way they’re shaped.
I read Autobiography of a Face about an author with a facial deformity due to cancer, and she wrote how she’d switch places any day with folks who aren’t happy with their regular faces. Makes you think twice when we complain about little things, right?
It does! I try to think twice like that, because I do know how fortunate I am. Posts like this are great ways to focus on the good things.