You are in for a treat today. How often do you read an interview conducted solely in the form of haikus?
Not very often, I’d wager.
I write plenty of book reviews, but I’ve never dedicated an entire post to just one book (except one I’ve been in, of course). But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to interview fellow blogger Peyton Price about her new book, Suburban Haiku. Why?
1. I think haikus are awesome.
2. I think Peyton is awesome.
3. She gave me a copy of the book so that I could interview her in an educated and sophisticated manner. Of course, my opinions are my own, and a free book is not going to make me like it if it stinks. I don’t post reviews of books that I think stink.

On the outside, this book is adorable – perfect for an ottoman or coffee table. On the inside, the humor and wit had me giggling and nodding as I read it in one sitting. I could have written many of these haikus (because I can relate, not because I have poetic talent), but they will amuse any reader regardless of age, gender, or suburban-ness. A great purchase for a girlfriend; just be sure to keep a copy for yourself!
And here is our haiku interview. It took me forever to come up with marginally adequate haiku-questions; I don’t know how Peyton does it!
What inspires you
To write these little ditties
And why choose haikus?
People talk too much
about ridiculous things.
This is my revenge.
To count syllables,
Do you still use your fingers
Or do you just know?
Sometimes I miscount
so I check on my fingers.
Left hand works better.
Is there one haiku
That is your favorite one
In your brand new book?
Wow. It’s hard to choose . . .
You know what’s more important?
Which one is your fave?
I’m so glad you asked. I had quite a few favorites, but I’ll share just one:
I do feel betterafter those thirty crunches.Chips are delicious.–Suburban Haiku, page 25
Dana again:
Header on your blog
Is that you or stock photo?
Color of lipstick?
That photo’s not me
but I do like a red lip.
Matte. Gloss looks too cheap.
I love how you read
Haikus aloud on your blog
Will you read to me?
Peyton answered this one with a haiku reading especially for me! Have a listen.
Wasn’t that awesome? Suburban Haiku was released yesterday and is available in hardback and e-book on Amazon. You can purchase it through my affiliate link HERE, and it’s also available at Barnes and Noble’s website – on the Nook too!
Peyton’s website,, is full of snarky zingers that will make you smile. I subscribe to the audio posts, and listen to a haiku every morning when my daughter is eating breakfast. She rolls her eyes because she’s 15 and thinks anything I do is annoying. When she heard I was writing this review, she said, “Oh, the haiku lady. She says things like:
I drop kids at school
Next up is soccer practice
Need a martini.”
She’s available if you need a co-writer for your next book, Peyton.
so creative. i will have to check it out!
It’s really a witty book. Who knew haikus could be so much fun?
What a haiku gem!
Another book I’ll purchase
Yes! Thanks for sharing!
Excellent haiku, Alison – thanks for playing along!
Dana, this was awesome. I can’t believe you asked all the questions in haiku, too! I was counting out on my fingers when I got to your question about it – too funny. I love that she wrote one just for you. I’m going to get my kindle version now – great interview!
Thanks, Stephanie – I was trying to make it fun, and I think it worked! I had to count on my fingers for every one – I just can’t do it without the extra help.
I tried to subscribe to Peyton Price’s blog, but it won’t accept generic addresses like mine. (That “info” part is the problem, I think.) Darnit!! Peyton, if you’re reading this and can subscribe me, my e-mail address is Thanks!
Okay, I freaking LOVE this. I have to gush a little bit here. I will, many times, say I love a post or something that someone has written, and even though I may like it a whole, whole lot, “love” might be too strong of a word. Still, I like to be encouraging and I enjoy that the author has shared with me, the reader. But this time, I’m not just saying that I love it. I really, really love this whole idea, because so many witty things can be said in so little space! And also–the relatability (is that a word?) of it all. Because the crunches/chips haiku is SO ME. My mother-in-law always says, “You run like a hundred miles a day just so you can come home and eat the rest of the day, don’t you?” Why yes. Yes, I do. Peyton, if you want to give a copy to anyone else to review and write a post about, I’m your girl. Or–SIGH–I could just quit being such a damned tightwad and buy one myself. 🙂 This was seriously awesome.
I just tweeted Peyton and told her to check out your comments, so hopefully she can fix the subscription issue. So glad you loved the post, Shay. I do love quick wit! And like you, I exercise so that I can eat chocolate. Doesn’t everybody?
Dana and Peyton, This is awesome and just the thing I needed to perk me up on a cold, wet day. The music with the haiku adds a classy and humorous touch- where do I sign up? April is National Poetry Month- the perfect time to add a Haiku to my day. I will have to get my hands on a copy of Suburban Haiku, and I’m sure some eyes will roll in this house too! Thanks ladies!
My pleasure, Julia. Just subscribe to Peyton’s blog and you too can hear these little ditties every morning! They always make me smile.
If the book is as good as this blog post, the book sounds like a winner. And I am totally signing up to hear them daily!!
I’m glad you liked the post, Alexa. And it’s so fun to hear a haiku every morning with my coffee.
I love my Peyton!
She inspires me to write
Many a haiku!
Me too – who knew I had it in me? Thanks for stopping by!
Life is like haiku:
A constant syllable drum
that only some hear.
Terrific post, Dane!
You know how I love haiku . . .
*smiling ear to ear!*
Yes! I knew you’d come through for me, Kris. You are my haiku-iest friend, and I love you for it!
Wow, I’m so impressed that you did all of your questions and answers in haiku!! Awesome!!!
Thanks, Kristi. I was feeling kinda awesome as I counted syllables on my fingers.
THAT was amazing!!!
Why, thank you Beth. My talents are never ending. As is my modesty.
Okay…this is AWESOME!! (and I totally love how Peyton reads, too!) I am getting this book. FANTASTIC!! –Lisa
Thanks, Lisa! I do love how Peyton reads to me every morning, and now I have my very own haiku 🙂
LOVE THIS! The reading was short and sweet and had me grinning 😀 I like reading haikus over twitter sometimes. 🙂 Is it haikus for plural? 😀
I think so – that’s what I use!
I don’t remember the rules of Haiku, although I could figure it out from this awesome post. How deliciously different! I’ll have to check out the reading when I’m not in a public place. Kudos to you for putting all your questions in Haiku!!!
5-7-5 syllables – that’s it. I can’t do it without counting on my fingers.
Such a great interview! This inspires me to write more haikus!
I’m getting into it now – haiku composing could get addictive.
Very cute . Loved the idea
Thanks, Carla!
Why is this so great?
The interview made my day
Going to buy book
Woo hoo – a photographer, a writer, and a poet. You’re a triple threat, Tamara!
Haiku just for you
Sounds like blogging gold to me
You are truly blessed
Yes I am, Kelly – and an A+ for your haiku! Thanks for playing along 🙂
What fun!! I LOVE the Haiku she did for you – very appropriate!!!
It was, wasn’t it? Totally made me smile.
Ohhh this would be a fun coffee table book!
How do you do affiliate links for Amazon?
Are you already an affiliate, Kate? If you are, email me and I’ll tell you how. If you’re not, I think you just have to send a request.
What an awesome review! I follow Peyton on Twitter, and I’m definitely going to check out her book. Looks like a great gift for friends!
I think it would be, Nicole. Especially pairing it with a bottle of wine or something else small you know your girlfriend would like.
I have to check this out! Sounds like she should have her own ecard site! And I loved the one she did for you. Perfect!
She should – or Peyton’s own line of snarky haiku notecards!
Totally have to check this and sounds like such a fun read. Thank you for sharing here with all of us!! 🙂
My pleasure, Janine. It’s such a unique and funny book!
Brilliant! I love reading and writing haiku’s. This was so much fun to read. What a challenge to have a conversation in haiku.
I do love a literary challenge, Susan – it was fun!