My blog is a shell of what it once was. Perhaps that’s not a fair statement; it is more accurate to say that my blog is exactly what I need it to be right now. When I began blogging almost five years ago, I needed the creative outlet. To my surprise I found a blogging community, and my world has expanded through meeting women from all over the country and the world. I wrote because writing helped me connect with others.
Today I write because I haven’t written in almost two weeks, and I start to panic if I haven’t published something here in awhile. I’m not sure why I’m concerned; I’ve lost so many readers from the early days of blogging. I stopped reading a gazillion other blogs just so those bloggers would read mine. Now I have a small group that I read consistently because I choose to, not because I feel obligated. At this point, I’m fairly certain I won’t lose any loyal readers because of my sparse posting. My momentum is gone and my audience is small, but I don’t quit. Even though I don’t often feel like writing, I do not want to give up this space.
I write today because I don’t want to lose my groove. Writing is like exercise or healthy eating; the longer I stay on track, the easier it is to continue. Once I’ve stopped writing, or skipped a few days of working out, or eaten with reckless abandon for a week, it’s tough to climb back on the wagon and move forward. I forget how good it feels to write when I haven’t done it in awhile, and the longer I go without, the easier it is to continue not writing.
So I sit down and write today, using the Finish the Sentence Friday prompt of “Why I Write.” I feel like I’ve written about this before, so I checked – and I have, a few times. The most recent time was a year and a half ago:
I keep on writing because I want my words to make someone feel, even if that person is just me.
I keep on writing because I wonder where it could take me next month, next year, in five years.
I keep on writing because I worry about what I will do if I stop.
I don’t worry so much about what I will do if I stop anymore. But I do write on this blog to keep a door open, for opportunities that may pass me by otherwise. Because of this blog, I’ve been writing for a local print publication for the last year. My parents proudly (I may be overselling this adverb) keep each monthly issue in their powder room for guests’ reading enjoyment; the last time I visited I was touched to find that my mom had thoughtfully dog-eared my piece for easy locating.
I write to share my thoughts and feelings more eloquently than I could verbally. The words that exit my mouth often sound nothing like they do in my head, but writing allows me to be purposeful and deliberate. It also allows my words to stick around, recording memories to revisit later.
I write because I would miss it if I didn’t. I would miss who I am when I write. And when I think about quitting and finding another hobby, I receive a sign from the universe that changes my mind. It may be a text from a friend, or a comment from a reader. Or it may just be a dog-eared page in my parents’ powder room.
I believe in the power of words, and the magic they hold. That’s why I write.
Oh, how I could relate to this post! For a couple years I feel that blogging had become such a part of my identity and I couldn’t imagine giving it up, especially because of the amazing community I found through it. Now, I don’t feel that strong pull quite as much, and I’ve shifted away from personal blogging to more strategic blogging for my business and use my newsletter for some of the more personal stuff. But when I do write, I realize how much I still need it and want to keep it active. And like you, blogging has opened up doors for writing for other places, and meeting amazing women and making new friends like you!
I personally enjoy your strategic blogging – I love discovering the other small business owners you highlight. And you have your creative outlet in your jewelry making!
I LOVE this. I haven’t blogged much either – maybe 4x in 2 years (ha!) but I couldn’t/wouldn’t give up that space because sometimes I just need it, you know? I would feel almost naked w/o a blog. Like you said, words are magic, and they are also cathartic and a touchstone, in a way. I forget who said this, but i always loved the quote, “I don’t know how I feel until I write it.” (paraphrasing probably). but that’s SO TRUE. <3
Your words are absolutely magic, Beth! I love that quote – writing does help me process things, and I’m a gal who needs to process!
Yes, Dana, I feel SO similarly! I too get that panicky feeling when it’s been too long without a post. My blog is a place I love but no longer need in a way I did years ago when I first started. I felt disingenuous and quite unhappy when I felt I was reading blogs just b/c I knew if I commented, they would back. Seems so silly now. I love your words on words – they are magic. And magic needs attention, doesn’t it?
Happy writing!
Magic does need attention. I give attention to much less important things; it may be time to shuffle my priorities.
Words are magic! I understand about not posting as often and reading fewer blogs. I’m in a similar place right now. Real life has to come first, but there still needs to be a place to write 🙂
I’ve been feeling the same way. It’s like you’re in my head but making the noise more articulate! Writing does feel like a muscle that needs to be exercised, and when I get too distracted by outside measures of success, I remember that when I write, I feel good, and that’s reason enough to keep doing it. Always enjoy your posts, Dana!
Thanks so much, Liz! I am committed to working out and walking every day…why can’t I commit to writing?
“My blog is a shell of what it once was. Perhaps that’s not a fair statement; it is more accurate to say that my blog is exactly what I need it to be right now. When I began blogging almost five years ago, I needed the creative outlet. To my surprise I found a blogging community, and my world has expanded through meeting women from all over the country and the world. I wrote because writing helped me connect with others.
Today I write because I haven’t written in almost two weeks, and I start to panic if I haven’t published something here in awhile. I’m not sure why I’m concerned; I’ve lost so many readers from the early days of blogging. I stopped reading a gazillion other blogs just so those bloggers would read mine. Now I have a small group that I read consistently because I choose to, not because I feel obligated. At this point, I’m fairly certain I won’t lose any loyal readers because of my sparse posting. My momentum is gone and my audience is small, but I don’t quit. Even though I don’t often feel like writing, I do not want to give up this space.”
I could have written those two paragraphs verbatim. I am lost but want to write, and yet it’s been so long, that I’m almost scared to start.
And I will always read you magical words!
Thank you, Allie! And I will always read yours, so don’t be scared to start. Just do it! I always feel better when I write, and then I ask myself why I don’t do it more.
Words are, indeed, magic. And sometimes, they work their most powerful magic in the lives of those who write those words. Like you, I’ve come to miss writing and even when it challenges me the most, I come to the end of a blog post and feel like even if just two people read it, it would have been worth it, both for me and for them. Write on!
I agree, Alison, and I feel like I need to write just for myself more. I’d love to get into the habit of taking ten minutes every morning or evening to write. I think if I started doing it, it would become a natural thing for me to do.
Our parents are our biggest fans, aren’t they? Nice powder room reading.
I love that we both wrote for this prompt. I write more than ever on my blog, but the kinds of posts I used to ONLY write, are only once a week now. I’m ok with that, because it’s enough to keep me sane, and I’ve lost some readers along the way too. Ah well. I love it all.
That’s great that you love writing all sorts of posts. I haven’t been able to get sponsored posts, but I’ve learned to be okay with that.
I love your post. So many of your thoughts are often my own. Your opening line about your blog being a shell of what it once was struck me. I think that’s very true of my own, but at the same time what it is now is a better version somehow, too. Maybe not better. Different. But that is reflective of life – we grow and we change and we are not what we once were. And that’s OK.
Yes! Different is okay. I just read your post and felt the same – your thoughts are often my own. Can I borrow yours sometimes? I have trouble keeping mine straight.;)
Yeah, absolutely – we can borrow each other’s. I often read and think “dammit, that’s what I would’ve said if I could’ve figured out how to say it!” LOL.
Dana, I love your words and I’m happy you keep posting them here at your blog, even if it’s not that often. My blog has suffered too… I just don’t have time to read and comment on a bunch of blogs anymore. But please consider me a loyal fan; I will always read your posts, even if it takes me a few days to get to them. Your writing inspires my own, and I’m so thankful I found you. Keep writing and nourishing your spirit, and I promise I will too. 😉
It’s a deal! I’m thankful we found one another, Julia – you have a loyal fan in me as well!
Ah, I love this Dana! I’m so with you on pretty much everything you said here. I miss those good ol’ blogging days, but man- it’s so hard to keep up with reading and following everyone. There’s been a massive shift, and I too, have shifted my writing into different paths.
I LOVE reading other people’s blogs and I love supporting others too, but back in the day I spent HOURS doing this, and I know you did too! I do miss that tight community though…
And I too, have dry spell seasons where I just don’t feel like writing, but you’re right- the process of this art is all that you said it is. I’m so glad you decided to tap away again at the keyboard and write this. I love your honesty. I nodded in agreement the whole way through.
I’m so glad you could relate to this, Chris. I miss the community as well, but I always smile when I see a comment from someone in my tribe. And you are one of those someones!
“I believe in the power of words, and the magic they hold. That’s why I write.” Amen.
***I keep on writing because I want my words to make someone feel***
Jon Morrow, one of my favorite bloggers said, “It’s not so much about the content, photos, message, or how popular the person is…It’s about how they make you “FEEL.”
I agree.
Dana, lovely post. Thank you. xx
Thank you for always leaving me such lovely feedback!
“I would miss who I am when I write.”
perfect. that makes no much sense (which for me, nowadays, is another way of saying ‘I totally identify with that.’ which is saying everything because to identify with another is so much more than ‘knowing what you mean’ or even, ‘I get your point’.)
very cool
Thanks Clark!
Dana, beautiful post! I admire you and your fellow bloggers for the ability to write so well. You put your thoughts in written form so beautifully and I would be sad if you no longer did so. But for now, I smile whenever I see “Kiss My List” in my email box and on FB, and I will savor the now!
I really could have written this down to the local print magazine example.
“My momentum is gone and my audience is small, but I don’t quit.” Yeah, same.
If nothing else, my blog got me that writing gig. That alone is reason enough to keep going.
I get this!
Thanks Vickie!
It won’t let me reply to your comment on my post but I want to say “Thank you” for your comment and also that’s a great idea for the moisture packs – I never would have thought of that! Thank you again.
You’re very welcome, Vickie!
Oh my gosh, ditto! ditto! ditto!!! “Even though I don’t often feel like writing, I do not want to give up this space.” I feel that way so much. Like you, i used to spend os much time reading others hoping they would read mine. Do you know I haven’t gotten single comment on the last two things I posted? The tiny part of me that keeps holding on to what blogging used to be is hurt by that, but mostly I don’t even really care. There is just this tiny little spark left of what used to be, but I just can’t let myself watch that spark die completely.
As long as the spark is still there, it can be relit if and when you decide to do it. You know, your blog is open in the next window on my Mac…I’m just much slower to read my regular blogs than I used to be. I always enjoy reading when I sit down to do it, but making the time to sit down and read is where my problem lies!
Oh I meant to ask if you’d bounced back from cruise eating – I FINALLY have.
Ha – yes, I have. Although I’m still not as good as I was prior to the cruise…
This line “I keep on writing because I worry about what I will do if I stop” made me say YES – even though you said you don’t worry about that one so much, I definitley do! This was beautiful Dana and captured my thoughts exactly. I hope you stay on too, two weeks here and two weeks there – I’ll be here to read. The days of a million comments were fun but also very time consuming.
I got a part-time job, Kenya, so I don’t feel as dependent on my blog to give me an outlet or a project, so that’s why I worry a bit less. Thank you for being one of my few loyal readers – I treasure you!
Lol, to Kristi! I actually do sleep 😉 But seriously, I lost a bit of my mojo with writing about 6 months ago in all honesty, because I didn’t want to share as much personal stuff with my kids as they are now clearly growing up. I love my blog though and decided to try my hand with revamping a bit. What I came up with seems to work for me at this point. I still get to write and share with crafts, recipes and more. I know I might have lost some of those who read for the more serious tone, but that is OK to me as this is what is working for me and my space now. That said, I think we just have to do what works for us and those who read us and enjoy our spaces will remain. Oh and I am always happy when I see a new blog post from you, my friend – always 😉
I have noticed the change in your blog, and I’m glad it’s working for you, Janine. You have to do what’s right for you and your family! And I still get to see your girls on FB:)
Yes to this!!! I have thought of not blogging but it’s the “exercise” I get for my freelance jobs. I don’t care about how many comments I get anymore (ok, maybe just a little) but it’s more about the core group of people and writing for ME and hoping it’s relatable and helpful.
I love this space, obviously, and so glad it brought us together…
So sweet about your mom 🙂
You are definitely relatable and helpful, even to this non-runner! I hope I’m the same for my readers.
also I beat Janine in commenting. boom.
Wow – that is quite the accomplishment!
I would miss who I am if I didn’t write – YES, that. Exactly that. I love that your mom keeps your writing (IN PRINT BTW WHICH IS HUGE) dog-eared in the bathroom. Also, this. “Even though I don’t often feel like writing, I do not want to give up this space.” <—— so much of what I do. I don't even want to write about special needs most of the time. But these spaces we've created? Magic, somewhat, right?
Right – at least for me it is!